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Ismael Pablo Ibarra Vrska 's Profile
Ismael Pablo Ibarra Vrska
Ciudad de México, Ciudad de México, Mexico
Climate Zone:
Warm Temperate
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Ciudad de México, MX

Janet Joscelyne
Alejandro Chellet Antonio Carrillo Bolea Geoff Lawton Gerardo Ruiz Richard Perkins Rodrigo Quiros Santiago Rubio Merodio
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About Ismael Pablo Ibarra Vrska

Ismael Ibarra is one of the few academic researchers in Mexico trying to narrow the gap between Academy and Permaculture. He's the co-founder of Permaciudad, a group that works inside Mexico City's Xochimilco Natural Reserve, where they are developing a project that merges prehispanic chinampa technology, and modern design thinking (Permaculture, holistic management and natural agriculture).
He began his journey back in 2010, while studying Psychology in Uruguay. At that time he realized that agroecology was an exciting subject, so he presented a research project about organic farmers' daily life and environmental ethics. This was the first step. In 2014 he got his Master's Degree in Social Psychology, writing a thesis about Chinampa Farming and bonds with nature, where he got his first experiences with permaculture, and started working in a chinampa to this date. During 2015 he took a non official Permaculture course. Now he's studying a PhD in agrarian sciences, with focus on rural sociology, where he's researching about Permaculture as a social movement and how it affects the ones who get in touch with it. In 2016 he took a PDC course with Richard Perkins and the REX course with Darren Doherty.


My Badges
Consultant Aid worker Pdc teacher
My Permaculture Qualifications
Other course verified
Diseño de sistemas ecológicos - curso de diseño en permacultura
Type: Permaculture Diploma
Teacher: Holger Hieronimi
Location: Tierramor, Erongarícuaro, Michoacán
Date: Jul 2015
Pri verified
Certificación en Diseño de Permacultura
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Teacher: Richard Perkins
Location: Rancho San Ricardo
Date: Apr 2016
Other course unverified
Regrarians Training Course REX
Type: Other
Verifying teacher: Darren Doherty
Other Teachers: Lisa Jane Heenan
Location: Sierra Gorda, Querétaro, México
Date: May 2016
0 PDC Graduates (list)
0 PRI PDC Graduates (list)
0 Other Course Graduates (list)
have acknowledged being taught by Ismael Pablo Ibarra Vrska
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Climate Zones
Ismael Pablo Ibarra Vrska has permaculture experience in:
Warm Temperate
Sub tropical

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