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Carlos Oquendo 's Profile
Carlos Oquendo
Carabobo, Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
Climate Zone:
Wet/Dry Tropical
Web site:

My Projects

(projects i'm involved in)


(projects i'm following)

Victoria Natural Reserve QuicaSua Permacultura Villa Permacultural Mahia El Nahual Permacultura Granja Integral Agroecologica Alegria La Mano de Buda perma-fun-K Mini-Granja familiar "Tierramor" La Anaconda Celeste
Claudio  Martinez Fyto Sandoval Ivonne Alexandra Villanueva Tamayo Javier Ibarra Joyce Willis Laura  Jimena  Cadavid Rincon Ruben Lopez Sergio lopera Wilhelm Trujillo Probst
Albert Bates Alexandra Garcia Rueda Alvaro Figueredo Catalina Ortiz Claudio  Martinez David Rivera Ospina Erzsebet Laczky Felipe Alvarez Fyto Sandoval Geoff Lawton Grifen Hope Holger Hieronimi Ivonne Alexandra Villanueva Tamayo Javiera Carrion Johana Brunilda Vidal Galiz Juan Manuel Burgos Laura  Jimena  Cadavid Rincon Mateo Roldan Merili Simmer Sergio lopera Tashigar Norte Tierra Martinez Virginia Gomez Walter Yoia Wilhelm Trujillo Probst
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About Carlos Oquendo

(spanish and english words below)

Consultor y asesor de diseño de Permacultura, docente/facilitador/capacitador de talleres y cursos, dinamizador de proyectos, encuentros grupales y comunitarios, coach personal y grupal, diseñador de experiencias evolutivas.

Artista y productor multidisciplinario, especialista en sonido y diversos instrumentos, performance y artes plásticas.

Después de conocer la Permacultura y realizar el primer PDC, he mantenido estudios e investigaciones permanentemente en diferentes campos como: bioconstrucción, agricultura regenerativa, botánica, plantas medicinales, ganadería, reciclaje, estructuras invisibles (familiares, sociales, legislativas, económicas, filosóficas), coaching, pedagogía/andragogía y bioética, con especialización en sonido, música, sonoterapia, ecología acústica y producción artística.

He trabajado en varios proyectos de fincas ecológicas y escuelas de bioconstrucción, ecología y permacultura desde el año 2012 entre Venezuela, Colombia y Mexico.


Permaculture design consultant and advisor, teacher, trainer of workshops and courses, promoter of projects, group and community meetings, personal and group coach, evolutionary experiences designer.

    Artist and multidisciplinary producer, specialist in sound and diverse instruments, performance and plastic arts.

    After dedicating Permaculture and carrying out the first PDC, I have maintained studies and research permanently in different fields such as: bioconstruction, regenerative agriculture, botany, medicinal plants, livestock breeding, recycling, invisible structures (family, social, legislative, economic, philosophical), coaching , pedagogy / andragogy and bioethics, with specialization in sound, music, sonotherapy, acoustic ecology and artistic production.

    I have worked in various projects of ecological farms and schools of bioconstruction, ecology and permaculture since 2012 between Venezuela, Colombia and Mexico.


My Badges
Consultant Aid worker Pdc teacher
My Permaculture Qualifications
Pri verified
Curso de Diseño de Permacultura
Type: Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course
Verifying teacher: Grifen Hope
Other Teachers: Javiera Carrion, Paulina Avila
Location: Venezuela
Date: Sep 2012
Other course verified
Entrenamiento de Profesores
Type: Teacher Training
Verifying teacher: Grifen Hope
Other Teachers: Mauricio Bernal, Paulina Avila, Javiera Carrion
Location: Colombia
Date: Sep 2013
Other course unverified
Type: Other
Teacher: Norma Rojas
Location: Diplomadosmundiales.org
Date: Jul 2014
Other course unverified
Type: Other
Verifying teacher:
Other Teachers: Norma Rojas
Location: Diplomadosmundiales.org
Date: Jul 2014
0 PDC Graduates (list)
0 PRI PDC Graduates (list)
0 Other Course Graduates (list)
have acknowledged being taught by Carlos Oquendo
0 have not yet been verified (list)
Climate Zones
Carlos Oquendo has permaculture experience in:
Cool Temperate
Warm Temperate
Sub tropical
Wet/Dry Tropical
Wet Tropical
Dry Tropical
Semi Arid

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